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Nightwing (Volume 2) #39 is an issue of the series Nightwing (Volume 2)


Billy Pettit and his group of ex-police officers broke into Oracle's Watchtower and Huntress is helping them. Nightwing and Barbara Gordon are completely surrounded and Huntress taunts Nightwing by calling him lover, because of their previous relation. Barbara says three key words that activates a blinding light in the room that stuns all of the intruders. Nightwing takes a couple of guys down and then he takes down Huntress before taking Barbara with him to the safe room in the Watchtower.

Huntress is mad at Pettit for using extreme violence against Nightwing and Oracle and threatens him to stop the senseless violence. Pettit convinces her that he will change but that sometimes, extreme actions are required.

Alberto Llamas (pencils, inks, lettering).

Chuck Dixon (original script)

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